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The Journey

The national and religious lifestyle of the Jewish nation has advocated universal values throughout the history of mankind, and serves as a spiritual center and spiritual inspiration to the world.

It began with a message to Avraham that "all the families of the earth shall be blessed in you" joining all of us, the people of this world, to partake in returning to our spiritual roots.

We at Shoresh, are dedicated to nourishing lives through the spreading of the universal values of Judaism and the Noahides principles throughout the world.




Journey with us to:

  • Find your roots through an authentic series of Torah studies.
  • Bridge with others digitally, physically and spiritually.
  • Understand and connect with other cultures.
  • Experience physically where it all began in the Holy Land.
  • Visualize your walk through the biblical history of mankind.
  • Pamper your tongue with the Holy Land wine and food.
  • Create your own recipe through cooking with friends and family and reinforce your relationships.
  • Cultivate and live an ethical and meaningful life.
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This T and O map, from the first printed version of Isidore's Etymologiae, identifies the three known continents as populated by descendants of Sem (Shem), Cham (Ham) and Iafeth (Japheth), the three sons of Noah.

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